Our next stop was to Hill AFB to visit family before heading east. We only had a week so it was pretty busy trying to see everyone and make a few medical appointments.
We took our daughter Lisa and her son, Keenan to the Hoggle Zoo. We all had a great time as its been awhile since we have been. Keenan loved to watch the animal and was able to let us know what they were. The weather was perfect so a lot of the animals were out and of course we walked and walked and walked!!

We then took our son Rob, his wife Candace and their son Ryder to the Orem Dinosaur Park. None of us had ever been so it was a treat for all. They did such a great job on placing the dino’s in realistic scenes, some of the best displays we have seen. What a neat place, a hidden gem. And again we walked and walked and walked!!!

We visited my Mom and my sister Cheri for an evening at Cheri’s house. Cheri introduced us to the Oculus VR headset and I fell in love with it and of course went out and got one. And we had just enough time for a quick visit with our daughter Nicole and her husband Dallas and their new puppy, Clementine. They are also doing some rehab on their home and its looking great.
We also had a little time to visit some of our friends. We got to see Scott and Michelle’s new home, which was fantastic, great job you two. Dinner was awesome! We visited Ed and Carla and I had Ed try on my Oculus VR headset and he just loved it. Carla makes some of the best cocktails we have had! Oh and she’s also a great cook we never turn down an invite!

But we’ll be back in town after our trip east and before heading to Casa Grande, AZ for the winter. We’ll also have much more time to visit friends we missed on this stop.