What a Night, What a Day!

Yesterday we spend the night with Dennis and Demetria working on their home networking. Got it all up to speed and had a great pull pork dinner! Spent the rest of the evening chatting and playing with the puppies.

Demetria turns us on to Hurts Donuts so…on the way home we stopped by the famous Hurts Donuts 25 hour/8 Days a week donuts shop! Oh yea! My favorite donut is the apple fritter, but it has to be deep fried or its just an apple donut. Sad to say, Hurts is not deep fried…but they other donuts were great.

Today I had to do some motorhome maintenance and repairs. A few days ago I washed 3 sides, so today I  have to finish. Working in the am while it was still cool out side, meaning 70’s. We had some accent lights that were not working, found a broken wire to the accent lights in the bedroom, problem was that the wire was under the bed meaning we had to disassembly the bed to get to the wire. Buts it’s all done and lights are working great!

This evening was the Meas Spirit Happy Hour so we ordered a pizza and brought a bottle of wine. There was a band and about 100 people! We meet some of the work-campers and chatted with them learning about work-camping, great deal they have. Seems they spend the winter months here for about 6 months then travel the rest of the year, some were doing 15,000 miles in those 6 months! We had a great time!



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