Ocotillo Wells and a Morning of Target Practice

Before I talk about the target shooting, we moved for the second time in 10 days to a much better spot for satellite reception and next to the lake so its a bit more private. Oh, that’s a rental car because the F150 is in the shop getting a new transmission, seems something went wrong while it was being towed and damaged it. Ford is paying for a new transmission and hopefully it will be ready by the time we’re ready to leave.

We spent the morning with Rob out in the Ocotillo Wells area in the Imperial County target shooting with an AR15, a 20, 16 and 12 gauge shotguns, 38 Special and a couple of 22 rifles.  We had a blast shooting up the targets we brought. I had never shot a single shot 20 or 16 gauge shotgun and the 20 gauge was by far my favorite. It was perfectly sized and well balanced. I also enjoyed shooting my 22 riffle Jo-Ann gave to me some 38 years ago, got the sights all lined up and it was such fun. Jo-Ann really got into it shooting that 22 rifle at the cow bell target we found.

In the above photos you’ll see some train tracks. Rob thought they were unused and when I looked at them, they are very narrow in width, only about 2 1/2 feet. They really looked strange. But to our surprise they are still in use by a mining company. And yes we placed some pennies on the track and found them all very very flatten.